Latino Educational Training Institute

Member Updates

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Para participar, inscribirse por encima.
Sarina Barrett 06-Mar-2024
If you are interested in being a one time donor or a volunteer, visit the donate page by clicking the button on the top right of the home page, pictured below.
To become event-specific sponsor or Year-round sponsor visit the link attached!

Cheryl Hummel 05-Mar-2024
Nuestra meta es fomentar el enlace cultural entre nuestra comunidad
Cheryl Hummel 05-Mar-2024
Acabo de tener nuestra primera reunión "Juguemos en Español/Let's Play in Spanish en Third Place Commons. Reunirá una vez al mes. Fue muy divertida. Es libre, abierto al público de todos niveles de español. B
Maria Acob-Nash 04-Mar-2024
How do I become a Sponsor of LETI?


Calendar of LETI Events

Calendar Preview • Prevista del Calendario

22-Apr-2024 - Dental Care Training
29-Apr-2024 - Dental Care Training
30-Apr-2024 - Edmonds Food Bank Distribution

Additional community events...

Community organizations may post events for a small service fee. Three million views and counting. INFO

News Preview

Spanish Cooking Classes 2024 - Verdant Health Commission
Learn about different classes including preparing foods that are good and hydrating to your skin, lunch and snacks for a healthy school year, preparing foods that are good for your... Continues...
Medicaid 101 Class
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan is currently offering a free Medicaid 101 class at the Carnegie Resource Center. Classes will be held on the 4th Wednesday of each month starting on... Continues...
Community Transit Zero Emissions
Community Transit is preparing to transition to a zero-emission fleet and wants to hear from you! Community Transit is on a multi-decade journey toward fully transitioning to a... Continues...
Restoration for All (R4A) Program Kick Off
¡LETI llevó a cabo su primera capacitación de campo para el programa Restauración para Todos el sábado 6 de abril!
LETI, Edmonds College y Snohomish Conservation District... Continues...
Sno-Isle Resources | Recursos de Sno-Isle
Sno-Isle Libraries recently shared information regarding Orca Cards for Youth, Family Reading Time, Early Headstart, Tutoring, and Reading Programs. All youth can ride transit... Continues...



A special thanks to our Heroes


Business Directory

We thank the farm workers who during the pandemic have stayed at work while many of us stayed safe at home.