Scholarship Resources

These links are a combination of scholarship granting agencies and information sources. Please note: There is so much funding available that you should in most circumstances NOT have to pay anything for information. Many "scholarship sources" are in fact places to spend money foolishly. Those below are considered reputable, but LETI does not warrant them in any way.
Los enlaces siguientes son o agencias donantes de becas o servicios de información. En general, información sobre becas debe ser gratis. Si el sitio requiere pago inicial o costos para recibir información, recomendamos que Ud. continue al próximo. Los sitios en esta lista tienen reputaciónes buenas, pero LETI no los garantiza.
- Academy for Educational Development Fellowships
- Accounting Scholarships
- ACT-SO Olympics of the Mind Scholarships
- Aid & Resources For Re-Entry Students
- Ambassadorial Scholarships
- American Association of Hispanic CPA's Scholarships
- American Geological Institute Minority GeoScience Scholarships
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- Accounting Scholarships
- Mucha info
- American Society for Microbiology Undergraduate Fellowships
- American Sociological Association
- Americorps
- Art, Film, Writing Scholarships/Competitions List
- Astronaut Scholarship Foundation
- Athletic Scholarships
- Bell Labs Fellowships for Underrepresented Minorities
- Best Colleges: Scholarships for Hispanic/Latino Students
- Brand Essay Competition
- Burger King Scholarship Program
- College Board Scholarship Search
- College Resource Site
- CollegeNet's Scholarship Database
- Discover Card Tribute Award Scholarships
- Easley National Scholarship Program
- FAFSA On The Web
- FastWEB Scholarship Search
- Federal Scholarships & Aid Gateways
- FinAid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid
- Gates Millennium Scholarships
- Gateway to 10 Free Scholarship Searches
- GE and LuLac Scholarship Funds
- Grant Opportunities
- Guaranteed Scholarships
- Holocaust Remembrance Scholarships
- Hope Scholarships & Lifetime Credits
- INROADS internships
- Intel Science Talent Search
- International Students Scholarships & Aid Help
- Marine Corps Scholarships
- Maryland Artists Scholarships
- Microsoft Scholarship Program
- Minority Health Program
- Minority Scholarships (doctoral students in accounting)
- NACME Scholarship Program
- National Institutes of Health Scholarships
- National Scholarships at all levels
- 2016 Financial Aid For Minority Student Guide
- American Sociological Association
- Searchable, wide range of grants and scholarships created and available for minorities, many specific to particular ethnic groups and women. Each listing details out who qualifies, what it covers, and how to apply.
- Religious Scholarships
- Research Program for Women & Minorities Underrepresented in The Sciences
- Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford
- ROTC scholarships
- Sallie Mae's Free Online Scholarships
- Scholarship & Financial Aid Help
- Scholarships On The Net (1,500)
- ScienceNet Scholarship Listing
- Siemens Westinghouse Competition
- State Farm Insurance Achievement Scholarships
- State Farm Insurance Hispanic Scholarships
- Student Inventors Scholarships
- The Coca-Cola Foundation Scholarships
- The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Site
- The Hispanic College Fund
- The Roothbert Scholarship Fund
- Tylenol Scholarships
- United States Institute of Peace
- William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students
- Research Program for Women & Minorities Underrepresented in The Sciences