Latino Educational Training Institute
 Latino Educational Training Institute 
Our community
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To become a member of the site, please click Join at the top of any page. A simple form will ask for a username and email address, which will be confidential and will be used only by LETI. By joining you will be able to post personal updates in your personal profile, participate in community conversations, and list your business or organization in our community directory. Thanks for your interest!


Comentarios ejemplares agregados del sitio completo. Combined sample commentary from around the site.
Test we must, to create a better world. x
LETI tiene un sitio especial enfocado en la seguidad en trabajo. Míralo al...


Add comments from your profile. Agrege sus comentarios en su perfil.
Sarina Barrett 06-Mar-2024
If you are interested in being a one time donor or a volunteer, visit the donate page by clicking the button on the top...
Cheryl Hummel 05-Mar-2024
Nuestra meta es fomentar el enlace cultural entre nuestra comunidad
Cheryl Hummel 05-Mar-2024
Acabo de tener nuestra primera reunión "Juguemos en Español/Let's Play in Spanish en Third Place Commons. Reunirá...
Maria Acob-Nash 04-Mar-2024
How do I become a Sponsor of LETI?
Sarina Barrett 15-Nov-2023
LETI participated in the Molina Healthcare Community Resource Fair. Read more about how the event went and view photos...