This program is presented in Spanish
El Bienestar Total de la Mujer Latina
Una serie de seminarios para mujeres
Este programa ofrece talleres gratuitos para el desarrollo y crecimiento personal y profesional de la mujer y su familia. Nuestro personal y un equipo de voluntarios consideran que este programa es un excelente punto de entrada a nuestros servicios y programas, ya que permite a los participantes conectarse semanalmente con un miembro del personal de LETI mientras aprenden sobre todos los recursos disponibles en la comunidad. El patrocinador principal de este program es la Fundaciön Hazel Miller.
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Al momento no hay sesiones de Bienestar. Favor de revisar nuestro calendario para informarse de las reuniones próximas.
Información Típica
Estas representan los tipos de información para participantes que distribuimos durante los programas.
Temas previos
Estos ejemplos comprenden la mayoría de los temas considerados en 2021-23. Los temas pueden variar en actualidad durante cualquiera serie depende de las selecciones de los instructores, con 12-16 temas durante cada serie. Vea también la información en el calendario y debajo de Esta semana.
- El Liderazgo de la Mujer Latina
- As a wife, home manager, and teacher for the children we are, reflecting on our contribution to the family and community is important. Many times as a family woman the desire to give everything, women tend to self-deny themselves many things in order to give more to her children, husbands and family in general, which is natural. The woman often decides how to educate her children and have her family dinner, learn and understand that the power of women in the family is more than what is perceived.
- Seguro Médico Accesible
- Many times as immigrants from other countries we as Latinos do not know the medical insurance system. As a Latino community we have more barriers to getting the same resources that others are granted more easily either by immigration status or by language difference. Even so, women's health is important because we are in charge of the house and children and if women in the family are not in good health, it is difficult for the family to have it.
- Presupuesto Familiar
- Money is an issue that is extremely important to discuss in a family because it defines the life that everyone will have. The pressures to know how to handle money well to pay for everything that is needed and also save for the future is heavy. That is why LETI will be given a two-hour talk to know the easiest ways to manage your money.
- Acceso a los Recursos del Distrito Escolar
- As parents who have come as immigrants from different countries we do not understand the education given to our children in this country. All parents have never been able to answer their children's questions about school. All parents feel a responsibility to help our children in the best possible way and this is an opportunity to learn from resources for families and students.
- Bloqueos Mental Evitando el Éxito
- Our daily routine can mentally drain us, from running around in the morning with the kids, to going to work all day, and then coming home to cook, clean and take care of the children; it’s tiring for anyone. With all of the things that we have to do every day it’s important to learn how to properly manage our stress and to remove any mental blocks that can hold us back from our own success. If you cannot help yourself then you cannot help others so, let us help you help others!
- 2020 CENSUS y El Impacto en el Gobierno Local
- Every 10 years all over the United States there is national body count in order to know how many people there currently living in the U.S. this is called the Census. The last Census done in the U.S. was done in 2010 and the next one is scheduled to be done this year, the Census 2020. There are many rumors about what this information is used for and we are here to clear up any misunderstandings. The data collected through the questionnaires is used to understand the need of ever state and of every area within them. These statistics allow for the federal government to distribute the billions of dollars to the states in an efficient manner. Every person that is not counted through the Census 2020 will be $20,000 less that the State of Washington will be receiving over the course of ten years. This money is used for schools, children, programs, and for many more public benefits for everyone in the State of Washington. Together we can make the future better, if you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for the children!
- Familias en la Era Digital
- In this modern day, technology surrounds our everyday lives, at work, at school, and for many, even in our home. Having all this access to technology sometimes makes it difficult for families to have time to bond because many parents find it difficult to understand how some technology works. Many parents worry about the material that their children are accessing and would like to know how to have better control over what their kids are seeing. Well, here at LETI we can help, giving you information that you can use to get a better connection with your family when you need it!
- Salud y Seguridad en el Hogar
- For many, cleaning around the house is a daily chore that has just become part of the routine, never stopping to think about what harm this could be causing to those living in the home and for them. The chemicals that you may be using to get everything clean could be causing you or your family long term health issues without even knowing it. Being aware of the harmful chemicals that may be in our cleaning products is one step closer to maintain a healthy home. Come join us to learn about what precocious measures can be taken to ensure your families safety.
- Estrategias de Búsqueda de Trabajo
- Looking for a job can be one of the most stressful things that someone can face in their life and it can be even more stressful when you don’t know how to do it properly. An individual is supposed to have at least 5 different resumes each portraying our different strengths depending on the field that interests us, but for many even having one is difficult. We are here to offer some tips and help to create the perfect resumes and where to look when you are looking for a job no matter who you are.
- Comidas a Precios Módicos para La Salud Renal
- Eating healthily is difficult especially when you are living a busy lifestyle, making it easy to buy fast food which can cause your health issues in the long run. Even if you’re not eating fast food sometimes culturally we don’t know how to make foods with low sodium, sugar, and fat. Eating foods that are high in cholesterol can cause your body to begin building up cholesterol in your arteries that can eventually lead to a heart attack or even death without proper treatment. So, we will be offering some education about the effects of certain food has on our body and how we can substitute foods for other healthier options.
- La Salud de la Mujer
- Having to care for the whole family sometimes becomes overwhelming and it’s easy for women to forget to take care of themselves. Being healthy is essential because a parent’s health can influence the health of the whole family. We will be having a Doctor come in to discuss how women’s body works and what options we have medically help support that. Please feel free to come in and ask any questions about how to support your physical health, mental health, and your spiritual health because all of those make up you!
- ¿Que Sabes Sobre Diabetes?
- Diabetes is an issue in many places around the world, but especially in the United States. The access to fresh fruits and vegetables or many is very limited because of location or many times because of the cost. In this modern day it’s common in cities to have various fast food restaurants on a street but it’s very uncommon to see a fresh produce stand on that same street. Learning about the illness that can be caused due to poor nutrition and how we can take care of our bodies is essential.
- El Camino Hacia el Autoempleo
- Sometimes working for others is not always an option and becoming your own boss can be rewarding, but getting there can be difficult. Knowing all the proper steps to opening up your own business can be confusing especially when you don’t understand the language that they are using. Thinking about how you will manage your company and your family life is important in order to maintain a balance that will allow you to successfully own your business.
- Co-Paternidad Exitosa
- Raising a child can be a difficult task and having parents that don’t work together properly makes that task even more difficult. Understanding the ideals of one parent and the other can help parents be on the same page on deciding how they will be raising their child or children. Having a healthy balance and consistency is important to raising a healthy child that will be able to maintain a good connection with the world.
- Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence is a topic that many individual rather avoid because it’s such a sensitive topic, but in reality it’s something that needs to be discussed. Domestic violence is something that most individuals have either experience, are experiencing, or will experience sometime in their lifetime. Understanding what domestic violence encompasses is very important because it’s not just physical abuse; it’s much more than that. Knowing how and where to look for help can be crucial for an individual because it can mean life or death for some.
- Preservando la Cultura Latina
- Preserving our culture can be difficult when our children are surrounded by so much diversity. Knowing how to properly introduce your culture to your children is important and making them proud of their cultural heritage is the only thing that will ensure that they will continue their cultural practices.
- Atencion Plena y Relajamiento
- Living in such a fast-paced culture here in the U.S., it’s easy to become stressed making it difficult to focus on what is important. Taking the time to take a deep breath and focusing your thoughts can help you manage your daily stress. Here we will be learning how to relax our bodies and center our thoughts to improve our lifestyle. Sometimes we need to remember to pause and breathe in the middle of chaos because if you can’t help yourself you cannot help others.
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