Latino Educational Training Institute

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Rees Clark, vice-president, 2010-2022.

Item ID: 9463

Rees Clark's association with LETI began when founder Rosario Reyes discovered he spoke Spanish. He served as vice-president of LETI for a decade before retiring in 2022, He chaired the communications committee and created our original web presence. He was the founding volunteer acting director of LETI Vocational School. He continues to advise our board, staff and editors with a journalistic data-based approach to planning and execution.

A professional geographer, Dr. Clark's professional background is in higher education, public administration, systems analysis, web applications and customer relations management. In recent years his business activities have emphasized IT support for environmental remediation firms and non-profit organizations.

Hay algunos quien dicen que habla español, pero también existe variación amplia de opiniones sobre eso.

Curriculum Vitae

Angeleno expatriate; Pater familias Clarkii, gardener, janitor, city planner, professor, computer systems consultant, independent business owner: BA, MA, PhD (too much book learnin'? Almost certainly), hopes there is time for more (send ideas).

Selected Professional Experience

1994-present: Co-founder & President, Clark Internet Inc. CIPI develops and hosts online periodicals and websites (including using its CIP Sitemaker℠ and Journalmaker℠ automated publishing systems, with associated affinity sites (like this one) and organizational directories for trade, professional and religious organizations; serves as a consultant to such organizations; and publishes web sites for small businesses and non-profit organizations. CI also consult generally on Internet and WWW design projects, with emphasis on the recycling industry (Example).

1993-96: Senior Consultant, Environmental Concerns, Inc. ECI markets emerging technologies for amelioration of environmental problems, including alternative fuels, materials recycling and waste reduction. Organized marketing program and developed marketing materials for fuel quality and tank maintenance service offerings; business and marketing plans for new environmental remediation technology companies; marketing videos and company web site.

1987-92: Co-founder & President, BG Information Services, Inc. BGIS was a data base management firm that provided on-line customer liaison for a national recreational organization with 100,000 members. Developed and programmed a networked multi-user database and managed customer service functions for client. Developed marketing, billing and customer service process for annual client revenue of $2.5 million and revenue to BGIS $40,000 per month. Also independent consultant in telecommunications and bank card industries.

1981-87: Technical Services Manager, SCT Corp., (various operational job titles as subcontractor at client locations). SCT is a national, publicly traded firm providing computer resource management services to government and education. Extended assignments in PA, FL, CA, WA and Puerto Rico. Managed multi-platform computer networks with annual operating budgets up to $2 million. Wrote computer service master plans for computer networks valued up to $10 million, managed computer centers, wrote computer literacy curricula, including one in Spanish for Puerto Rico colleges. Wrote, directed and produced video marketing and computer literacy presentations.

1971-80: Professor of Geography, Urban Studies, Computer Applications. Colgate University, Villanova University, Temple University, University of Maryland. Taught economic and urban geography, quantitative methods, computer programming and computer cartography. Researched US policy on housing for low-income and urban elderly.

1965-70: City & Regional Planner. City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, CA; Borough of State College, PA. Neighborhood planning and zoning; municipal legislation.

Publications, Honors, Affiliations

Military reserve USMCR 1960-66. Professional and scholarly publications in geography, urban studies and computer literacy. Various graduate academic stipends.


PhD, Geography, The Pennsylvania State Univ.; MA, Geography, California State Univ., Los Angeles; BA, Political Science, Univ. of California, Los Angeles. Computer experience includes system administration & management; Internet & Worldwide Web development & publishing; system planning; literacy and applications training; product introduction; programming for mainframe and personal computer networks. Speak, read, write English, Spanish, German, French, and a little Japanese, some badly some well. Read Italian & Portuguese if given enough time. :-)


"These days I find that the above, plus about $1.50, will get me coffee lots of places."


For an exciting read, try:
Clark, Alex Rees, "Selected Demographic Components of the Non-White Population of Baltimore: A Comment." Middle Atlantic 6 (July 1975): 75-82.